”Hana”Flower Calendar


ページ番号1002426  更新日 平成31年1月18日

Flowers and brilliant blossoms (“hana” means flower in Japanese) – the various flowers of Hanamaki

One spring long ago, when cherry blossom petals fell into the Kitakami River, they were caught in a whirlpool and made a beautiful rolling mass of petals… This is the legend associated with the origin of the name, Hanamaki. (Hana means flower or blossom. Maki means to roll something).
Hanamaki is always full of flowers: the iris garden on the shore of Lake Tase, the rose garden that highlights the hot springs area, the fireworks that illuminate summer nights…
Flowers bloom in the streets and in shops, making the town beautiful all year round.
Flowers add color to people’s lives in Hanamaki.
We would like you to see the flowers here in Hanamaki for yourself.

The fireworks that make you fall in love with summer in Ihatov

Three major fireworks events in Hanamaki


Hanamaki has one of the best firework factories in Japan. Its fireworks fill the sky with passion for Ihatov.
Last Saturday of July : Lake Tase Water Festival and Fireworks
Late August : Pageant of Light and Sound
August 13th : Ishidoriya Dream Festival

Lake Tase Water Festival and Fireworks

This is the first of Hanamaki’s firework events. Enjoy the reflection of the fireworks in the lake. The sound of fireworks reverberating through the valley is awesome. Lake Tase Water Festival Committee Ph.0198-42-2111

Pageant of Light and Sound

The Pagaent of Light and Sound is the highlight of the Ihatov Forum. It is anevent to foster Kenji’s spirit in the next generation. Enjoy the re-creation of Kenji’s world with fireworks and evocative music. Hanamaki Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ph.0198-23-3381

Ishidoriya Dream Festival

People place their dreams of the future in the fireworks and at the same time bid farewell to the short summer. Ishidoriya Association of Commerce & Industry Ph.0198-45-4488

Polan Square Garden and Peony Garden

photograph:Polan Square Garden

photograph:Peony Garden

Originally, Kenji Miyazawa designed the south-facing flowerbeds of Polan Square for the Hanamaki Onsen Amusement Park, as requested by one of his students at the Rasuchijin Association. The flowerbeds were re-created based on the original draft and letters at the Kenji Miyazawa Memorial Museum. Devising an asymmetrical arabesque design, he used walkways to resemble vine stems and round flowerbeds to resemble fruit. Enjoy the floral clock and peony garden as well. Miyazawa Kenji Memorial Museum Ph.0198-31-2319;Miyazawa Kenji Ihatov Museum Ph.0198-31-2116

Rose Festival

photograph:Rose Festival

Enjoy a fashion show, a parade, a local performance and a rose seedling fair at the Hanamaki Onsen Rose &Herb Garden where you can see about 6,000 bushes, comprised of 450 kinds of roses. A floral clock designed by Kenji Miyazawa is particularly stunning. Hanamaki Onsen Ph.0198-37-2111




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電話:0198-41-3589 ファクス:0198-24-0259 (代表)